3117 State Hwy 159 LaGrange, TX 78945 979-249-3406

Our 100 year old four generation farm is nestled in the rolling hills of south central Texas among many beautiful oak trees. We invite you to tour our family owned Jersey dairy farm. Visit with the Frerichs family and learn what farming and agriculture is all about. Relax on our porch, pet the animals, watch the chickens roam the farm, have some ice cream and enjoy the countryside.
Our Story
The Frerichs family welcomes you to enjoy a day on their farm! Four generations of the Frerichs family have been milking Jersey cows just outside La Grange for over 65 years; that means we've milked cows over 47,500 times!! Presently, approximately 100 cows are milked twice every day at the farm. We also farm 740 acres for pasture and hay. To our family, and everyone here at the dairy, farming is an every day career that is both enjoyable and demanding. We understand however, that many people never have the opportunity to see where milk comes from and what has to happen for a gallon of milk to appear at your favorite grocery store. We would like nothing more than to share our "dairy fun" days with you!

Meet the Farmers -
From L to R - Meet Neal, Ralph and Faith's oldest son. Neal milks the cows, bottles milk, helps with field work and the chickens. Robert - takes care of field work, crops, mechanic, milks and feeds the herd. Faith - runs The Jersey Barnyard, buys for the store, helps where needed, feeds the barnyard animals and loves the chickens, Faith's husband, Ralph - Keeps records, AI's the cows, herd health, fixes fence and management of the Jerseys and beef herd
Far Left, Edgar Frerichs, Ralph and Robert's (and Helen, their sister) dad.
Middle 1996 Beginning of Texas Jersey Cheese and The Jersey Barnard..