3117 State Hwy 159 LaGrange, TX 78945 979-249-3406

Our 100 year old four generation farm is nestled in the rolling hills of south central Texas among many beautiful oak trees. We invite you to tour our family owned Jersey dairy farm. Visit with the Frerichs family and learn what farming and agriculture is all about. Relax on our porch, pet the animals, watch the chickens roam the farm, have some ice cream and enjoy the countryside.
Mon., Wed., Thurs. 10:30 & 2:00
Fri. & Sat. - 10:30, 12 & 2
Sunday - 2 & 4
Summer Tour times are on
our Family Tour Page
as well as more tour information
Self-Guided tours are during store hours
Mon - Fri 10:00-6:00
Saturday 9:00-6:00
Sunday 1:00-6:00
Days we are CLOSED- New Year's Day, Easter Sunday, Mother's Day, Father's Day, July 4, Sat morning of Labor Day weekend for Fair Parade downtown LaGrange, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas- 24(by appt.), 25, 26
Meets FARM